Jason Lai

Orchestral Conductor, TV presenter, PCC Certified Integral Coach (ICF), seeker of soul and wisdom, applying a beginners mind to everything I do in order to see possibility. 

Specific interest areas:
Development Coach, Leadership Coach, Presentation Coach.
Curious at what holds us back from showing up in the world in the way that we want.

To help you on the path to feeling whole again, to have the experience of being grounded, centered, and to have a sense of freedom in your work and home life. 

Certified by:

More About Jason

How I got here?

It all started with a sense of feeling disconnected from work and feeling a little bit lost in the world. I decided I needed to delve deeper and that’s when I began a coaching course, this really helped me understand what many of the issues were; just seeing these issues was a relief let alone dealing with them! 

Since then I’ve been more grounded, less anxious, increased in self awareness, been able to sit with various emotions that arise, and felt a greater sense of contentment. 

Everyone would benefit from having a coach, just having someone there to help guide and help you see your blindspots is invaluable.

How can I help you?

I can help in a few areas: developmental coaching, presentation coaching, and leadership training. Developmental coaching focuses on how you can deepen connection to yourself, this is achieved through having coaching conversations and using practices and exercise to move you from one way of being to another. Presentation coaching focuses on the removal of fears associated with public speaking and also helping you to present your best self. I give leadership training through a series of Conducting Leadership workshops where leaders learn to communicate effectively and build capability through the lens of the conductor and orchestra. 

As I come from a background that is outside the corporate arena I bring a fresh perspective on leadership and  development. For over 25 years as a conductor I’ve been listening very carefully to others, examining how I can help them, guide them, influence them, or simply help them just let things go. I bring this fundamental skill of listening to my other work, whether I'm conducting, coaching, or presenting, I'm always listening: to the flow of presentation; the harmony and dissonance of a coaching session; the intensity of the orchestra when on the podium.

So go on, tell me a bit about yourself.

I’m British Chinese and have been living in Singapore now for over 10 years. I’m a conductor, TV presenter and speaker, and coach, been conducting now for more than half my life and still find it exhilarating to step in front of an orchestra and conduct giant and wonderful works of musical art. As a TV presenter I have worked for BBC and BBC World in many programme centering around arts, culture and travel. I love the creative aspect of all the work I do, and I’m lucky to meet many people from all walks of life. I’m also curious about the world and like to learn, I can now make a mean sourdough bread and have been known to take some decent photographs with my beautiful camera. 

Nice things people say…