YanYi Chee

Seasoned advertising and talent development executive, Certified Integral Coach (ICF), mum of two gorgeous girls and seeker of all things creative.

Specific interest areas:
Professional Development Coach, Navigating Path to Growth in Corporate environment, Supporting small businesses, Leader’s thought partnership.

Help enable individuals find their unique way in the world, through exploration and creativity.

Certified by:

More About Yan Yi

How I got here?

There has never been a more critical time to continue to inspire the world with creativity and good. But what does an ‘ad veteran’ still got to contribute?

Yes, that’s me. On a mission to stay connected, but in a way that’s relevant to me and what the world needs. After 20+ years in the corporate advertising world, I have decided to turn all my focus to coaching and building community. And I hope you will join me.

But before I get to what’s next? Let me go back to the start.

In retrospect, I was often forced to reinvent myself because of situations I was thrown in, because of ‘expectations’, because I wanted to ‘fit in’ through periods of my life’s journey. Pivoting for others.

I was raised by stereotypical Chinese parents. You check every box as you grow up. We were raised to have good manners, always respectful and to be obedient. There was an expectation that you follow the path your parents set for you as part of their parental duty. I struggled with this often, as many kids growing up at the same time as I did. But their intention was to give us our best chance at success in life. So, you forgo your instinct, you put on your armour and you go forth to conquer.

Don’t misunderstand, I am grateful for everything that was done for us through absolute love and good intention. I checked every box as I grew up. I was a national swimmer at the age of 8 years, we were privileged enough to attend the best schools abroad, I dutifully graduated with a degree in Economics instead of pursuing my dream of being a shoe designer (yes, I then went on to be a self-confessed shoe addict for some years instead). I got a respectable job that paid well. I vehemently pursued title, money and exposure to the world. “I was making it”.

Many people go through life never questioning whether they are on the right path. Some set a goal and they claw their way towards it, some keep striving to prove their worthiness, some just get lost and become bitter at the world.

I am one of the lucky ones, I was pushed along, I never questioned much as it all seemed to work well. But I never questioned whether I was truly happy.

It was only about 10 years ago that I realised what really drove me at my core.

I always had glimpses of it but never intentional. Creative culture and People.

I looked back and saw all the signs, connection with clients, making the worse of situations the best, stints in various regions, motivating teams, inspiring good work.

You may not get it right at first, goodness knows the trials and errors, the questions and self-doubt, the pauses because ‘life’ takes over, the pauses because your kids demand all your attention, but if it draws you, you always come back.

I was being drawn deeper and deeper into my ‘pivot’ without really realising it. A one-year integral coaching course helped me understand. I have been lucky. Subconsciously weaving in that which I love with my profession, creating value and being paid for it. Pivot for self and your purpose will find you.
So, that brings me to today.

The time is now for me. To pivot again and focus my energy on my path to be a thought partner and an integral coach. I want to spend my energy building community, supporting others and helping them pivot to find their path.

I hope you will reach out and support us and all that we should be as a creative community.
The time is now. Pivot for self to enable others. 100%.

But you have a great job, so why you must be asking?

Because it’s now or never. Now or never to disprove the statistic that it’s too late to pivot and reinvent yourself even at 50.
Now or never to prove that it may be possible to find that intersection of ‘that which you love’, ‘that which you are good at’ and ‘that which you can be paid for’.

Now or never to reach as many as possible to help enable, lift and support from what I have learnt, what I want to give back and help others find their intersection (preferably earlier than I did).

Nice things people say…